New retro: TURBO KID & KUNG FURY trailers revel in their updated old school cool

turbo kid kung fury movies

Turbo Kid movie and Kung Fury short film deserve your attention

If you haven’t heard of the movie Turbo Kid or the short film Kung Fury, what retro rock have you been hiding under? The two movies have been making silly-yet-impressive waves in most movie circles, and each takes an absurd old school idea and makes it amazing for a modern audience. In a cinemascape filled with bloated CGI, copy-and-paste character molds, and safe-but-bland plot points, both Turbo Kid and Kung Fury attempt to upend our expectations and deliver something special. The trailers for both have to be seen to be believed, and the movies are must-watches for fans of outrageous cinema. Turbo Kid looks like an innocent coming of age comic book story, but it’s bloody mess of an execution paints it as anything but innocent. Kury Fury appears to be a kung fu funk mashup filled with dinosaurs, neon lights, and a Nazi craziness. Seriously, if you haven’t seen either trailer, treat yourself and give them both a watch today.

Check out the trailer for Turbo Kid as well as a trailer, behind-the-scenes video, and the short film Kung Fury in its entirety after the jump.

Turbo Kid has a quiet manic pixie dust sprinkling that seems sweet and innocent, and then out of nowhere we get exploding heads, buckets of blood, and an eye patch-wearing Michael Ironside looking sinister. What more could you ask for? It’s been called a blend of Mega Man and Mad Max, and you can see why from the trailer. Sundance audiences went wild for Turbo Kid, so it’s worth tracking down when it hits theaters and VOD on August 28, 2015.

Here’s a plot synopsis for Turbo Kid that’s just as insane as the trailer:

It’s 1997. In a ruined post-apocalyptic world, the orphaned Kid survives on his own through drought-ridden nuclear winter, traversing the Wasteland on his BMX, scavenging for scraps to trade for a scant supply of water. When his perpetually chipper, pink-haired new best friend Apple is kidnapped by a minion of evil overlord Zeus, the Kid summons the courage of his comic book hero and prepares to deliver turbocharged justice to Zeus, his buzzsaw-handed sidekick Skeletron, and their vicious masked army.

turbo kid movie poster

Kung Fury, by comparison, seems a bit more polished than Turbo Kid in the sense that CGI is front and center to create the movie’s style. “He’s a kung fu renegade cop,” should sell you on the awesomeness, if not seeing the Kung Fuhrer in action. Pair with the premise plenty of over-the-top action and incredible kung fu fury, and we’ve got something unique in its madness. Just look at that trailer!

kung fury movie poster

If the trailer isn’t enough to pull you in, there’s this fun behind-the-scenes VFX breakdown video showing us what went into the making of this crazy thing. Check it out:

And, if that weren’t enough, the entire 30-minute movie/short film is now available to watch online. Working? Vegging out on the couch? Give Kung Fury 30 minutes of your time. You won’t regret it: