SILENCE trailer pulls the curtain back from Martin Scorsese’s upcoming Asiatic epic


Martin Scorsese converts us with first Silence trailer

Martin Scorsese‘s passion project Silence recently saw the release of its first full-length trailer. As tends to happen sometimes, I fell behind and am just now getting around to sharing the subtle, engaging trailer that previews the movie that’s somehow kept Scorsese’s interest for more than twenty-five years. While the director has been working on his various Leonardo DiCaprio-starring films (Gangs of New York, The Aviator, The Departed, Shutter Island, The Wolf of Wall Street), Silence was still stewing in the back of his brain. Finally, the trailer dropped, and early reviews have already started rolling in. Will Silence sit atop Scorsese’s resume as the masterpiece he’d hoped it to be? Was it worth the twenty-five-year wait? Only time will tell.

Watch the trailer for Silence and check out the first poster for the movie after the jump.

If I’m being candid, which might be seen as blasphemy in the eyes of Scorsese die-hards, I think the director has always been pretty hit-or-miss, and even his classics can wear on you a bit. Silence looks like it might be one of those once-in-a-while-if-I’m-looking-for-an-investment kind of movies, which isn’t necessarily bad. I’m a sucker for Gangs of New York, but I know if I commit to a viewing I’m either 100% committed or I’m turning the movie off soon after it’s begun because I’m just not feeling the investment. There’s that word again. With Silence literally stewing for twenty-five plus years, there’s always the chance the potential seen decades ago just isn’t as significant to modern sentiment. But what do I know? I truly hope Silence is the masterpiece it deserves to be from the master who’s defined great filmmaking on more than one occasion.

Currently, Silence does not have an official plot to share with the trailer, but the trailer itself is pretty self-explanatory as far as barebones storytelling is concerned. Liam Neeson’s character goes missing/wandering either to preach or search for meaning, and Andrew Garfield’s character is sent after him to see what’s up. What more do you want from a Scorsese plot?

Silence stars Liam NeesonAndrew Garfield, Adam DriverCiarán Hinds, and Tadanobu Asano . The movie is scheduled for wide released on January 6, 2017.
