BEHIND THE SCENES reel #3 (50 images)

fight club fincher pitt norton behind the scenes

Movie magic revealed with some great behind the scenes photos

Digging for behind the scenes photos is like searching for buried treasure. Taking a peak behind the camera at what goes on around the action on screen gives you a surreal sense of being part of the magic. Whether it’s breaking the tension of a horror film by seeing the cast cracking up or catching a glimpse of an iconic movie monster in the make-up chair, finding the perfect behind the scenes photo is a lot of fun.

Enjoy some great behind the scenes photos from some of your favorite films after the jump!

alfred hitchcock birds behind the scenes alien 3 behind the scenes avengers hulk behind the scenes braveheart behind the scenes dark knight rises bale and hardy behind the scenes dennis hopper apocalypse now behind the scenes diamonds are forever behind the scenes et bath behind the scenes et over the shoulder behind the scenes fantastic mr fox behind the scenes fear and loathing hunter s behind the scenes fight club fincher on set behind the scenes frankenstein behind the scenes ghostbuster chair scene behind the scenes godfather marlon brando behind the scenes goldeneye behind the scenes green mile behind the scenes gremlins puppets behind the scenes harry potter deathly hallows behind the scenes hook spielberg and hoffman behind the scenes house on haunted hill behind the scenes indiana jones crystal skull behind the scenes it behind the scenes jaws shark behind the scenes jurassic park reading behind the scenes jurassic park spielberg behind the scenes kill bill chopped head behind the scenes king kong miniature behind the scenes leon the professional oldman and portman behind the scenes les miserables jackman and hathaway behind the scenes lord of the rings behind the scenes nazgul monty python holy grail behind the scenes napolean dynamite behind the scenes selfie nightmare on elm street behind the scenes dance pee-wee burton behind the scenes pulp fiction travolta and willis behind the scenes revenge of the sith behind the scenes shining nicholson behind the scenes silence of the lambs behind the scenes skyfall behind the scenes stand by me behind the scenes star wars lucas episode 2 behind the scenes star wars matte painting behind the scenes the shining girls behind the scenes tim burton batman behind the scenes tmnt oldschool behind the scenes top gun behind the scenes trainspotting danny boyle behind the scenes x-men singer behind the scenes

Continue digging for behind the scenes buried treasure by checking out Behind the Scenes reel #1 and Behind the Scenes reel #2!