FUN STUFF: BRAIN DIVIDED animated short film is clever, mature, and honest

brain divided animated short

Kickstarter, and similar sites like indiegogo, seem to be flooding the media these days. Luckily, for every Spike Lee, Harry Knowles, or James Franco project that seems to rattle the foundations of these sites due to lack of necessity we get some really great gems that ask very little and deliver more than expected.

Funded in April, the animated short film Brain Divided takes Pixar visuals and mixes them expertly with adult humor, emotionally honest interactions, and a colorful look into the often-muddled brains both sexes do battle with.

Brain Divided was created by Josiah Haworth, Joon Shik Song, and Joon Soo Song and first appeared at Cartoon Brew’s 4th annual Student Animation Festival. The short will cost you about 4 1/2 minutes. It’s well worth the watch, and you can check it out after the jump.