GEEK OUT! Jurassic Park IV officially titled JURASSIC WORLD

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GEEK OUT! is a quick glimpse of something cool without a story’s worth of text to wade through.

The new installment in the Jurassic Park series has officially been titled Jurassic World. This has the internet all abuzz that an earlier synopsis for the film could be the real deal, and that we’ll see a fully functional Jurassic Park torn apart by a new batch of dinosaurs. Jurassic World will be directed by Colin Trevorrow (Safety Not Guaranteed) and is set to hit theaters June 12, 2015.

UPDATE: Watch the “pitch trailer” that was shown at the recent Star Wars convention in Germany after the jump.

Here’s what Oliver Thompson (the guy who posted the pitch video) had to say about it:

All I can say is this video was shown as part of Iain McCaig’s presentation at the recent Star Wars convention in Germany (he’s the fantastic concept artist and designer of Darth Maul). I can only presume it was part of a pitch for reigniting the JP movie franchise, if anyone can confirm please let me know. It was apparently shown to Kathleen Kennedy and Steven Spielberg. Mr McCaig actually said “it certainly got Steven interested in dinosaurs again…” I just think is so cool!