QUICK FIX Movies To Watch #41-45

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QUICK FIX Movies To Watch 41-45 are all a little strange in their own way

QUICK FIX Movies To Watch is a weekly column of mixed movie suggestions for both the avid film fan and the casual movie-goer. Dive in, swim around a little bit, and come up with a new movie or two you think is worth watching. They’re all great!

This week’s Quick Fix takes a look at RubberThe Basketball DiariesDistrict 9Millions, and Donnie Darko.

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QUICK FIX Movie To Watch #41: RUBBER

Release: 2010    Rating: R    Director: Quentin Dupieux

Stars: Charley Koontz, Jack Plotnick, Stephen Spinella

Rubber should pretty much be the text book definition of experimental film making. It’s bizarre, in your face, unapologetic, and all of it works so well. It’s about a homicidal, rogue rubber tire who kills people. I know, it sounds like a terrible B movie, but it’s much better than you’d expect. Plus it’s a pretty great commentary on movie-goers/viewers in general. I don’t know how to describe this one more without sounding insane, so check it out if you get the chance!

HIDDEN GEM: There’s a rogue audience member who refuses to follow the rules in this film, and the subsequent confusion he causes by doing so is pretty priceless.


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Release: 1995    Rating: R    Director: Scott Kalvert

Stars: Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Wahlberg, Juliette Lewis, James Madio, Bruno Kirby

Young Leonardo DiCaprio was such a fun talent to watch develop and grow into the excellent actor he is today, and The Basketball Diaries is one of his earlier films. Based on the real-life memoir novel of a New York author, the movie deals with youth drug use, sex, violence, basketball, and frivolous, substance-fueled writing. It’s a strange coming of age story and a must watch if you’re a fan of either DiCaprio or Mark Wahlberg.

HIDDEN GEM: Not to sound like I’ve got a man-crush on Leonardo DiCaprio, but he’s such a crazy teenage herione addict here and his performance through the highs and lows throughout the film is exceptional.


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QUICK FIX Movie To Watch #43: DISTRICT 9

Release: 2009    Rating: R    Director: Neill Blomkamp

Stars: Sharlto Copley

District 9 put both Sharlto Copley and director Neill Blomkamp on the map in a big way. Both showed tremendous talent respectively bringing to life the main character and creating a uniquely layered sci-fi world and instant classic. The CGI on display is flawless, which is not an overstatement. The alien creatures blend perfectly with the gritty slums they live in and the humans they encounter. Both a violent alien action flick and a heartfelt look at equality and morality, District 9 comes highly recommended!

HIDDEN GEM: The alien design and the inventive weaponry they’ve brought with them cause some tremendous damage throughout the film, and it’s pretty wild watching the creatures interact with the devious, deceptive side of humanity.


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QUICK FIX Movie To Watch #44: MILLIONS

Release: 2004    Rating: TV-14    Director: Danny Boyle

Stars: Alex Etel, James Nesbitt, Christopher Fulford

Millions is easily Danny Boyle’s cutest, most accessible movie, and that’s mostly due to young Alex Etel’s performance. The kid’s curious, inquisitive, and just good to the core and sometimes it backfires on him. Add in a bank heist, imagined saints (or are they?), a bag full of money, the coolest cardboard fort I wish I’d had as a kid, and the clever direction of Boyle and you’ve got a very good movie experience.

HIDDEN GEM: The way our protagonist interacts with various saints, and the depth of the conversations they have together, are fun, insightful, and even a little spiritual without being preachy or gimmicky.


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Release: 2001    Rating: R    Director: Richard Kelly

Stars: Jake Gyllenhaal, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Patrick Swayze, Jena Malone, Drew Barrymore, Noah Wyle

This was one of those movies I’d pop in to show friends while in high school saying something like “it’ll blow your mind, it’s crazy awesome”, and a lot of those friends would come out the other end of the rabbit hole thinking just that. Donnie Darko is a cult-gem dealing with coming of age in an odd world, time travel, an evil-looking adult-sized rabbit named Frank, and a medicated, confused young man who may be the key to saving the world. Pretty intense, right? This is one of my favorites and will always have a place on my shelf.

HIDDEN GEM: Frank the bunny is straight up creepy for most of the movie, and it’s his voice in particular that used to chill me straight through. Also, this is one of Seth Rogen’s earliest appearances on film, and it’s oddly awesome to see him as a background character in such a great movie.
