Nathan Fillion is Nathan Drake in UNCHARTED fan-made short film

Uncharted Nathan Fillion fan film 2018

Uncharted fan film starring Nathan Fillion and Stephen Lang as Drake and Sully could lead to more

It’s long been said that charismatic space captain and con man Nathan Fillion would fit snugly into the shoes of video game character Nathan Drake from Naughty Dog’s Uncharted games. Finally, Fillion got his chance to see how well the shoes wore in a live-action Uncharted fan film from director Allan Ungar (Gridlocked, Tapped Out) that was released back in July. It’s worth the watch, whether you’re a fan of the games or the actor, and the popularity of the 15-minute short has already led to the possibility of a digital series or “something further,” according to Ungar.

Check out the untitled Uncharted fan film:

Funnily enough, I’m playing through Uncharted 4 for the very first time as I post this, so it’s fun to notice the little quirks and directions the fan film takes to hit notes from the video games. There’s a minute or two that almost looks like gameplay, but it’s kind of spoiled when Fillion turns around, looks at his empty gun, and gives us his best turtle face. That said, I was happy with his Nathan Drake for the most part, and I’d be on board watching a full-length treasure hunting series featuring Fillion’s Drake and Stephen Lang‘s Sully. What do you think?