WHO’S WHO ON A MOVIE CREW animation from Vimeo Video School shows us the basics

who is who on a movie crew screen grab

Who’s Who on a Movie Crew assembles the many pieces of a film’s puzzle

Vimeo Video School has put together a quirky animation detailing the different duties and the people who do them on a movie set. As silly as the video is, there’s some good information if you’re new to the game, and it’s presented in a fun style that is half Fallout Vault Boy and half toned down Dr. Suess.

Learn the basics behind a movie crew, and watch the animation after the jump.

Here’s what the post’s author said about the video and the people:

Making a video can be a one person production but the more elaborate your ideas get, the more likely you’ll need a crew to execute your vision. In this video, we give you a rundown of the basics of how all the work is divided up on a basic crew.

Keep in mind that this focuses mostly on the on-set personnel, and even still it doesn’t include every single crew member! Here’s a recap of what we just learned, along with a few extra people peppered in there to round out the list. The amount of people you need to help make your film vary widely from a simple duo to many hundreds of crew members.